Ministry Coaching for Generational Leaders


Lights on the Runway: Scripture

These are taken from the original ebook, 5 Lights on the Runway, which is available to download


About fifteen years ago one of my mentors, Tom Yeakley, shared an illustration with me which has stayed with me for years. Tom shared that the tools God gives to discern His purposes are like lights on a runway.

Have you ever passed a small regional airport at night? Maybe, in the midst of the darkness, you’re still able to see the bright lights on the airport runway. When we pass an airport at night we can’t always see an actual runway, but we know it’s there because we have indicators that point us toward the runway.

In much the same way, God has given His people lights on the runway so we can begin to move forward with confidence believing there is a runway from which we can land or take off. God gives us five lights on the runway.


Runway Light #1: Scripture

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105

As I mentioned earlier, God’s Word is guidance for our lives, a way in which we can decipher between truth and lies, between what is wise and foolish.

No, we don’t have specific verses where God gives us his specific direction. Nowhere does it say Thou shalt move to Los Angeles and take that job or Thou shalt marry that woman. But God’s guidance and communication through scripture can encourage us, give us general direction for our lives, keep us from sin and provide perspective in the journey.

But the lamp that the writer of the Psalms is referring to here is not the one that sits on your nightstand. No, it’s a clay lamp-stand, a simple clay bowl with a small opening in the top which was filled with olive oil and a wick, which is enough to provide a candle’s amount of light for a dark room. It’s light for our sight, but it’s not enough light for the entire house.

Growing up my brother bought a one million candle power spotlight. We could shine this in any direction in the dark and see for what seemed like miles. Often, we can be tempted to approach God’s word like we would a million candle power spotlight showing us the exact steps of our lives for days, weeks, months and years into the future. But God’s word as a lamp, guiding us just enough for one or two steps ahead of us in the dark. It’s sufficient for what we need, but it just enough out in front of us that it also requires great faith. God is gracious to provide us with some clarity while also providing us with his presence, too.

J.R. Briggs