Ministry Coaching for Generational Leaders


Lights on the Runway: Wise Thinking

About fifteen years ago one of my mentors, Tom Yeakley, shared an illustration with me which has stayed with me for years. Tom shared that the tools God gives to discern His purposes are like lights on a runway.

Have you ever passed a small regional airport at night? Maybe, in the midst of the darkness, you’re still able to see the bright lights on the airport runway. When we pass an airport at night we can’t always see an actual runway, but we know it’s there because we have indicators that point us toward the runway.

In much the same way, God has given His people lights on the runway so we can begin to move forward with confidence believing there is a runway from which we can land or take off. God gives us five lights on the runway.


Runway Light #4: Wise Thinking

Part of loving God with all of our minds, or all of our understanding, is to use our cognitive abilities in order to make wise decisions; to use the mental faculties we have in order to honor God.

Sometimes this is a good old-fashioned pros and cons list. Sometimes it’s considering how this decision will impact you in ten days or ten weeks or ten years. Sometimes it’s thinking and pondering on a slow walk or spending time reflecting in a journal.

My friend Travis Collins serves as pastor of First Baptist Church in Huntsville, Alabama. A few years ago, Travis shared a list of questions with me that he calls the Compass of Discernment, a list of incisive questions which can be used to discern a decision or an opportunity with wisdom and care.

  • Constancy — Is there ongoing affirmation about this issue or decision?

  • Observation by others — What are wise people sensing about this decision?

  • Motive — What is driving me? What are my longings?

  • Peculiar passions — What unique things get me excited?

  • Aptitudes — What has God gifted me to do?

  • Seasoning — What am I learning in this process and what implications does it have on my present and my future?

  • Sensible decision-making — What does wisdom tell me in this situation?

Speaking of wisdom, there is a wonderful promise of God given in the book of James:

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5

I want to challenge you to memorize this verse. It’s short, but you will find that if you memorize this, these words will come to your mind at the times when you sense you need them most. When you don’t know what to do, when you don’t know the way forward, simply ask God for wisdom we take him up on his promise. This is not a name-it-and- claim-it perspective, nor is it a promotion of what has been called the prosperity gospel. No, we have a big, loving and powerful Heavenly Father who loves to hear what’s on the heart of his kids. He wants to work with you on this two-way interactive relationship with him.

Sometimes He will answer that request immediately, in a particular conversation or when you are literally in the midst of making a decision. Other times, this downloading of spiritual wisdom might happen gradually over a period of weeks or months or even years. Either way, this is God’s promise for us that when we lack wisdom, he as a good Father, will give us wisdom generously and faultlessly – and he says he will do it. Let’s hold him at his word and lean in to this promise. Next time you find myself saying, “I just don’t know what to do” ask for wisdom from the source of wisdom. It will help you with wise thinking


These are taken from the original ebook, 5 Lights on the Runway, which is available to download.

J.R. Briggs