Ministry Coaching for Generational Leaders


Equipping as Healing

Leadership development must be relational, and involve both support and equipping. Support without equipping leads to navel-gazing, and equipping without support leads to burnout.

A leader I have the privilege of coaching shared this with me last week when I asked him to describe his approach to developing leaders. I love his response.  

It reminded me of the four connotations of equipping in Scripture. Equipping implied (a) resetting a bone that was broken or out of alignment, (b) packing for a long nautical journey, (c) preparing for a long journey on land, or (d) training others to prepare them for battle.

When we equip others, they experience healing – and oftentimes, it provides focus and alignment in their calling. Or we prepare them for a long journey. Or we prepare them now so they’re prepared to face obstacles and resistance in the future. Or, better yet, all of the above. 

And this must be also involve support. We can never forget that leadership is about people. Your leadership personality may lean toward majoring in support and minoring in equipping, or it may major in equipping and minor in support. 

But to be effective in developing other leaders we must double-major in support and equipping. 


This thought was found in 5 Things in 5 Minutes my weekly leadership newsletter designed to equip you in 5 minutes or less.

J.R. Briggs